In this collection, you will find hundreds of plants that the Jungle grows, specializes in and has been collecting for nearly 15 years.

    Not everything in this collection would be considered "rare", but they are certainly unusual and we love them!

    We are always adding to our collection and grow spaces, so visit often, and if you are looking for something specific, please feel free to give us a call, send us an email, or come in to the Jungle and talk planty to us!

    60 products
    Philodendron martianum 'Fat Boy'
    from $ 129.99
    Epipremnum Neon Queen
    $ 29.99
    Philodendron Wilsonii
    from $ 149.99
    Philodendron Ruizii (Aff Bicolor)
    $ 129.99
    Alocasia Brancifolia Pink Passion
    $ 69.99
    Syngonium Auritum (Tri-Leaf Wonder)
    from $ 49.99
    Philodendron Panduriforme
    $ 74.99
    Monstera Deliciosa Aurea Variegata
    $ 199.99
    Hoya Obovata Splash
    $ 29.99
    Philodendron Calkins Gold
    $ 149.99
    Philodendron Billietiae Variegated
    $ 1,799.99
    Anthurium Renaissance Tricolor
    $ 399.99
    Philodendron Baudense Amazonica
    $ 44.99
    Vanilla planifolia (Vanilla Orchid)
    $ 124.99
    Anthurium Pterodactyl Variegata
    $ 499.99
    Philodendron Caramel Marble
    $ 599.99
    Platycerium grande - Giant Staghorn Fern
    $ 49.99
    Philodendron Melanochrysum "Black Gold"
    $ 399.99
    Philodendron Black Majesty
    $ 299.99
    Philodendron Sparreorum
    $ 149.99