Maranta leuconeura (Green) "Prayer Plant"
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$ 14.99
Maranta, also known the "Prayer Plant" is a genus of flowering plants in the Marantaceae family, along with Calathea (Goeppertia), Stromanthe and Ctenanthe. Maranta are among some of the most popular plants kept as houseplants for their striking foliage and vast array of colors. While there are only about 50 species of Maranta, all native to the tropical Americas , many more hybrids and cultivars have made their way in to the world.
Some people struggle with keeping Maranta happy, but in suitable conditions, they can live, grow and thrive for years, growing many feet in height.
Low to medium light is best, as direct sunlight can damage and burn the leaves. Maranta also require a higher humidity lever, to more closely match their native habitat. Kitchens and bathrooms are popular spots to keep your Maranta happy. Ideal temperatures are 70-85 °F