Begonia 'Bipinnatifida'

Begonia 'Bipinnatifida'

Regular price $ 24.99 Sale

Begonia is one of the largest genera of flowering plants, with over 2,000 species, that are perennial in their natural habitats in moist, subtropical and tropical climates throughout the world. In nature, Begonias can be found in South and Central America, Africa and southern Asia.

With thousands of species and even more hybrids and cultivars, all boasting colorful foliage and / or flowers, it is easy to see why they are so beloved, and we absolutely love Begonias here at the Jungle.  At any one time we may have 100 varieties growing.

While some struggle to care for their Begonias, anyone can succeed with a few tips.  An East or West facing window is always best, to provide short amounts of direct light without the harsh afternoon rays.  Begonias prefer to stay on the drier side of moist when it comes to their soil.  They will mush and rot if they are kept too wet, but if allowed to dry out completely, they will collapse and some leaves may not bounce back.  Temperatures above 90 F can also cause some Begonias, mainly rhizomatous and Rex, to struggle and even melt. Cane Begonias, such as Angel wing and Dragon wing tend to be a little more tolerant of higher temperatures and can even be acclimated to full sun.